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  • Christina Rowan
    Canadian Food Inspection Agency
    Seed Section
    59 Camelot Drive
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0Y9
    T: 343-573-4181
    E: christina.rowan@inspection.gc.ca

  • Wendy Jahn, National Manager, Seed Section
    Canadian Food Inspection Agency
    59 Camelot Drive
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0Y9
    T: 613-221-7518
    E: wendy.jahn@inspection.gc.ca

  • Janine Maruschak, Head, Saskatoon Laboratory
    Seeds Science & Technology Section
    Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Rm. 301
    421 Downey Rd.
    Saskatoon SK S7N 4L8
    T: 306-385-4858
    F: 306-385-4944
    E: janine.maruschak@inspection.gc.ca

  • Doug Miller, Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
    Canadian Seed Growers' Association
    P.O. Box 8455
    Ottawa, Canada K1G 3T1
    T: 616-236-0497 ext. 228
    E: dmiller@seedgrowers.ca

The following responses are provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in regard to general questions about the Canada Seed Act.

- Does your law model RUSSL?
Answer = NO

- Does your law have a permit/license requirement for seedsmen to distribute seeds in your state/country?
Answer = NO

- Does your country offer "Seed Arbitration" as a part of your seed law, or as a separate law?
Answer = NO

- Does your country have "pre-emption" legislation to restrict local political subdivisions from regulating seed?
Answer = NO

- Does your law allow for "brand name" labeling?
Answer = YES, but only if the brand name can not be confused as being a variety name.

- Does your seed law require "mandatory" variety labeling for agricultural crop kinds?
Answer = NO, for most crops, the answer is no. The exception is field corn because in Canada, only pedigreed seed of field corn may be sold. Pedigreed seed requires a variety name.

- If no, does your law allow for "variety not stated" labeling?
Answer = NO, The use of this term could not be prohibited for non-pedigreed seed.

- If no, does your law allow for "variety unknown" labeling?
Answer = NO, The use of this term could not be prohibited for non-pedigreed seed.

- If the variety name is not declared on the label, does your law allow labeling by "crop kind" only?
Answer = YES

- Do you allow the use of the abbreviated term "VNS" to be used in place of the phrase "variety not stated"?
Answer = NO

- What is the test date requirement for agricultural and vegetable seeds in your state/country?
Answer = NONE

- Does your law have any specific language regulating "GMOs"?
Answer = YES, Part V of the Seeds Regulations regulates the environmental release of plants with novel traits
If yes, briefly describe.
Both confined field trials and unconfined release (normal agricultural production) must be assessed before approval may be given.

- Does your agency test for specific GMO varietal traits on official samples?
Answer = YES, in some cases. However, in light of discussions on varietal purity vs. genetic purity and the international discussions on adventitious presence of GM material, it is unclear at this time whether we would take regulatory action on a sample showing excessive levels of an approved event.

- Does your law have any "unique" or special requirements and/or prohibitions?
Answer = YES, variety registration, use of seed grades for purity and germination, registration of seed establishments to conduct specific activities, environmental release of plants with novel traits (including GMOs).

- Have you had any recent changes made to your seed law and/or regulations?
Answer = YES, The current changes are of a housekeeping nature and may be found at: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/reg/consultation/reginite.shtml.