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  • Jason Goltz, MBA, CCA, Field Seed Manager
    Field Seed Program
    North Dakota State Seed Department
    1313 18th Street North, P.O. Box 5257
    Fargo, ND 58105-5257
    T: 701-231-5450
    F: 701-231-5401
    E: jgoltz@ndseed.ndsu.edu

  • Jeanna Mueller, Seed Laboratory Manager
    State University Station, Box 5257
    Fargo, ND 58105-5257
    T: 701-231-5420
    F: 701-231-5401
    E: jmueller@ndseed.ndsu.edu

The following responses are provided by the North Dakota State Seed Department in regard to general questions about the North Dakota State Seed Law.

- Does your state offer "Seed Arbitration" as a part of your seed law, or as a separate law?
Answer = NO

- Does your state have “pre-emption” legislation to restrict local political subdivisions from regulating seed?
Answer = YES

- Does your law allow for "variety not stated" labeling?
Answer = YES, except for wheat, durum, barley, oats, rye, soybeans, dry beans, flax, vegetable, and flower seed must be sold by variety name.