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  • Greg Helmbrecht, Seed Control Official
    Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
    P.O. Box 8911
    Madison, WI 53708-8911
    T: 608-224-4596
    F: 608-224-4571
    E: greg.helmbrecht@wisconsin.gov

  • Randy Romanski, Secretary
    Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and ConsumerProtection
    P.O. Box 8911
    Madison, WI 53708-8911
    T: 608-224-5015
    F: 608-224-5045
    E: randy.romanski1@wisconsin.gov

  • John Petty, Manager
    Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association
    8520 University Green
    Middleton, WI 53562
    T: 800-892-1341
    T: 608-262-1341
    F: 608-262-0210
    E: wcia@mailplus.wisc.edu

The following responses are provided by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection in regard to general questions about the Wisconsin State Seed Law.

- Does your state seed law model RUSSL?
Answer = YES

- Does your state law have a permit/license requirement for seedsmen to distribute seeds in your state? If yes, briefly describe your system and fees.
Answer = YES, based on gross annual sales in Wisconsin:

  1. $25 - Less than $10,000
  2. $50 - $10,000 or more, but less than $50,000
  3. $100 - $50,000 or more, but less than $100,000
  4. $300 - $100,000 or more, but less than $250,000
  5. $500 - $250,000 or more, but less than $500,000
  6. $750 - $500,000 or more, but less than $1,000,000
  7. $1,000 - $1,000,000 or more, but less than $10,000,000
  8. $1,500 - $10,000,000 or more, but less than $100,000,000
  9. $2,500 - $100,000,000 or more

- Does your state offer "Seed Arbitration" as a part of your seed law, or as a separate law?
Answer = NO

- Does your state have "pre-emption" legislation to restrict local political subdivisions from regulating seed?
Answer = NO

- Does your law allow for"brand name" labeling?
Answer = YES

- How does your state handle seed coatings on your seed label?
Answer = Seed coatings can be listed as part of inert matter as long as it is broken out somewhere on the label.

- Does your state seed law require "mandatory" variety labeling for agricultural crop kinds?
Answer = YES

- Does your law allow for "variety not stated" labeling?
Answer = YES

- Does your law allow for "variety unknown" labeling?
Answer =YES

- Do you allow the use of the abbreviated term "VNS" to be used in place of the phrase "variety not stated"?
Answer = YES

- Does your state seed law allow labeling by "crop kind" only?
Answer = N/A

- Does your state allow abbreviations on the seed label?
Answer = YES

- What are the germination test date requirements for Agricultural and Vegetable seeds?
Answer = 12 months, exclusive of month tested

- What are the germination test date requirements for Lawn & Turf seeds?
Answer = 15 months, exclusive of month tested

- Does your state law include requirements for "Sell By"/"Packed For" labeling vegetables, flowers and turf grass? If yes, please briefly explain.
Answer = Not so much a requirement as an option for dates. "Sell by [seed labeler inserts date]." The stated date may be no more than 12 months after the end of the month in which a germination analysis was completed on the source lot identified.

- Does your state regulate flower seeds?
Answer = YES

- Does your state regulate Native/Conservation/reclamation species?
Answer = YES

OTHER SEED KINDS REGULATED: - Describe your state's process for updating the noxious weed seed list:
Answer = Promulgation through administrative rules.

- Does your state law have any specific language regulating "GMOs"?
Answer = NO

- Does your state test for specific GMO varietal traits on official samples?
Answer = Only if we have a complaint.

- Does your state seed law have any "unique" or special requirements and/or prohibitions?
Answer = NO